Adaptation of the animation “But, Sven Again”, created by Anna Karakalou, into a comic book by Luis Marcelo Pires dos Santos. Art by Anna Karakalou
The essence of the story remains exactly the same: Sven loves dancing, just like his mother the Queen but his father Fernando wants him to be an runner athlete.
In this version, the story begins around the year 1,000 AD, in a Viking village in Sweden with the origin of Queen and Sven's dancing boots and goes up to the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.
The protagonist of the first part of the story is Queen, Sven's mother, a Swedish descendant of Vikings, who marries Fernando, a Greek from the island of Poros. The Queen becomes a dancing celebrity and earns the name Dancing Queen.
The second and final part of the story has Sven – who wants to follow in his mother's footsteps – as the main character.
In this comic book version, The Queen becomes friends with and the inspiration for the Swedish band Abba. Several references to the band's songs – such as “Dancing Queen” and “Fernando” and the title of the comic “Here I Come!” – are brought into the plot.
Sven Xenopoulos
The protagonist of the second part of the story. Greek. Born in Poros in 1974. He is Queen and Fernando’s son. Despite of his calling to be a dancer, his father insists that he must be a track and field runner.
Queen Xenopoulos
Queen is the protagonist of the first part of the story. Swedish. She is Sven's mother. Married to Fernando. Her destiny is to dance. The character finds the dancing boots in Poros, Greece. Queen is identical to a Viking ancestor of hers who lived in 1,000 AD. She took on the name Dancing Queen after being successful in dancing, and that name inspired one of Abba’s song.
Fernando Xenopoulos
Sven's father. Married to Queen. Running coach. He doesn't want Sven to be a dancer like his mother. He insists on turning Sven into a runner. His name also inspired one of Abba’s songs.